The Historical Art of John Paul Strain
John Paul Strain - Historical Artist
Historical Paintings


General Stonewall Jackson & Lt. Colonel Turner Ashby
Warm Springs, Morgan County - Western Virginia
January 4, 1862
Berkeley Springs Expedition
Berkeley Springs Expedition Remarque
Remarques on Artist's Proof Paper Giclée Edition

General Stonewall Jackson had a number of goals he wanted to accomplish during his January 1st 1862 expedition to several towns under the occupation of Federal troops in western Virginia. Jackson’s main priority was the defense of the Shenandoah Valley. As such he would need to clear out the Federal garrison in the town of Berkeley Springs, also known as Bath, from troops under the command of US Brigadier General Frederick W. Lander. With his northern flank secured he would then turn his attention to the Federal garrison of 5000 men located in Romney under the command of Brigadier General Benjamin F. Kelley. After taking Romney, General Jackson planned to attack the Federal garrison and railroad hub of Cumberland Maryland. Also on the agenda was to sever or disrupt the lines of supply and transport of the enemy by destroying as much of the B&O Railroad as possible.

The expedition would also test Jackson’s newly formed army. He would learn which officers under his command he could trust and count on, and those he could not. His troops would also be tried under difficult circumstances during winter conditions, against multiple foes. In short Jackson would learn “who was worth his salt”.

On the comfortable sunny day of January 1st Confederate troops marched from Winchester towards Berkeley Springs. Jackson’s cavalry under the command of Lt. Colonel Turner Ashby led the way, followed by four brigades of infantry. The travel was easy at first, moving over flat terrain, but in the late afternoon a cold front blew through, dropping temperatures that night into the teens. The column halted at Pughtown for the night after covering 8 miles. The next day the army was on the move again pushing against a blinding snow storm. Miraculously the army was able to cover another 7 miles and camped at Unger’s Store.

By the middle of the afternoon the next day Jackson’s force had marched another eleven miles in the snow and elements of Ashby’s Cavalry had engaged the enemy 3 miles outside of Berkeley Springs. That night as the army camped in the woods near the enemy garrison of 1400 troops, another half a foot of snow fell.

The morning of January 4th the Stonewall Brigade again dug out of the snow. As the troops crawled out from under their snow-laden blankets, half-frozen, they were cursing General Jackson as the cause of their sufferings. Unbeknownst to them, the General lay close by under a tree, also snowed under, and heard all their complaints. Without a chastisement he too crawled out from under a snow covered blanket. Shaking the snow off, he made a humorous remark to the nearest men, who had no idea he had arrived during the night and lain down amongst them. News of what had happened spread throughout the ranks in short order, and fully reestablished his popularity. It was fortunate at that time for the troops to learn the metal of their leader as they were soon to go into battle.

The attack at Berkeley Springs was not as coordinated as Jackson had planned. General Loring, one of Jackson’s commanders “managed to scatter the rest of his command all over the countryside - except toward the front”. Exasperated, General Jackson rode into the confusion and took charge. By mid afternoon Jackson dashed into the city with his escort, ahead of his own skirmishers. The enemy had high-tailed it out, retreating to the town of Hancock.

Stonewall had learned much about his command that day, and he and his Stonewall Brigade established headquarters in Strother’s health resort in Berkeley Springs. Phase one of his expedition was difficult, but a success. His next test was the garrison at Romney.

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Archival Paper Giclées

200 S/N Paper Giclées - $275
50 Artist's Proof Paper Giclées - $375
Image Size 25 1/2" x 19 1/2"
Paper Giclee

Canvas Giclées

100 S/N Studio Canvas Giclées - $275
15 Artist's Proof Studio Canvas Giclées - $375
Image Size 24" x 18"

100 S/N Classic Canvas Giclées - $575
15 Artist's Proof Classic Canvas Giclées - $675
Image Size 32" x 24 1/4"

20 S/N Executive Canvas Giclées - $1200
5 Artist's Proof Executive Canvas Giclées - $1400
Image Size 40" x 30 1/4"
Canvas Giclee
Historical Paintings